This common skin disorder otherwise known as tinea pedis affects the outer layer of your skin especially when there is a warm and moist environment. It typically starts between the toes and is caused by Tricophyton Mentagrophytes or Trichophyton Rubrum. Fungus is commonly found on the floor and from wearing wet socks in a confined ill-fitting shoe. Walking barefoot in public areas such as swimming pools, communal baths, saunas and locker rooms with showers can also contribute as risk factors. The signs and symptoms of athlete’s foot include itching, redness and burning. Often times the skin appears dry, scaly and flaky like a moccasin on the sole of one or both feet. If left untreated it can progress to cracking of the skin with associated bacterial infections. It can sometimes even spread to your toenails causing a condition known as onychomycosis.
Athlete’s foot can be diagnosed from a skin scraping, which is commonly performed by a pathology lab. Once diagnosed it can often times be treated with topical creams and proper foot hygiene. In more severe cases, antibiotics may be prescribed by your podiatrist to prevent a skin infection. These and many other common skin disorders are preventable and can be treated by calling Dr. Frenchman to make an appointment in his office today.